Friday, December 29, 2006

"Happy New Year" in all languages

New Year is coming and u want to wish all your friends ! So below is the list of new year wishes in different languages. so wish ur friends "HAPPY NEW YEAR" in their own language..
I have been searching for this data specially for this day ! And atlast I can share this with u all who want to start gracefully in the new year !

Afgani :
Saale Nao Mubbarak

Afrikaans :
Gelukkige nuwe jaar

Albanian :
Gezuar Vitin e Ri

Armenian :
Snorhavor Nor Tari

Arabic :
Antum salimoun

Assyrian :
Sheta Brikhta

Azeri :
Yeni Iliniz Mubarek!

Bengali :
Shuvo Nabo Barsho

Bulgarian :
Честита Нова Година(pronounced "Chestita Nova Godina")

Cambodian :
Soursdey Chhnam Tmei

Catalan :

Chinese :
Xin Nian Kuai Le

Corsican Language :
Pace e Salute

Croatian :
Sretna Nova godina!

Cymraeg (Welsh) :
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Czechoslovakia :
Scastny Novy Rok

Denish :
Godt Nytеr

Dhivehi :
Ufaaveri Aa Aharakah Edhen

Dutch :

Eskimo :
Kiortame pivdluaritlo

Esperanto :
Felican Novan Jaron

Estonians :
Head uut aastat!

Finnish :
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta

French :
Bonne Annee

Gaelic :
Bliadhna mhath ur

Galician [NorthWestern Spain] :
Bo Nadal e Feliz Aninovo

German :
Prosit Neujahr

Greek :
Kenourios Chronos

Gujarati :
Nutan Varshbhinandan

Hawaiian :
Hauoli Makahiki Hou

Hebrew :
L'Shannah Tovah

Hindi :
Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen

Hong kong (Cantonese) :
Sun Leen Fai Lok

Hungarian :
Boldog Ooy Ayvet

Indonesian :
Selamat Tahun Baru

Saleh now mobarak

Iraqi :
Sanah Jadidah

Irish :
Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit

Felice anno nuovo

Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu

Asegwas Amegaz

Hosa Varushadha Shubhashayagalu


Sua Sdei tfnam tmei

Saehae Bock Mani ba deu sei yo!


Laimingu Naujuju Metu

Sabai dee pee mai

Macedonian :
Srekjna Nova Godina

Malay :
Selamat Tahun Baru

Marathi :
Nveen Varshachy Shubhechcha

Malayalam :
Puthuvatsara Aashamsakal

Maltese :
Is-Sena t- Tajba

Nepal :
Nawa Barsha ko Shuvakamana

Norwegian :
Godt Nyttеr

Papua New Guinea :
Nupela yia i go long yu

Pampango (Philippines) :
Masaganang Bayung Banua

persian :
Saleh now ra tabrik migouyam

Philippines :
Manigong Bagong Taon

Szczesliwego Nowego Roku

Portuguese :
Feliz Ano Novo

Punjabi :
Nave sal di mubarak

Romanian :

Russian :
S Novim Godom

Samoa :
Manuia le Tausaga Fou

Serbo-Croatian :
Sretna nova godina

Sindhi :
Nayou Saal Mubbarak Hoje

Singhalese :
Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa

siraiki :
Nawan Saal Shala Mubarak Theevay

Slovak :
A stastlivy Novy Rok

Slovenian :
sreиno novo leto

Somali :
Iyo Sanad Cusub Oo Fiican!

Spanish :
Feliz Ano ~Nuevo

Swahili :
Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaє

Swedish :
GOTT NYTT ЕR! /Gott nytt еr!

Sudanese :
Warsa Enggal

Tamil :
Eniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal

Telugu :
Noothana samvatsara shubhakankshalu

Thai :
Sawadee Pee Mai

Turkish :
Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun

Ukrainian :
Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku

Naya Saal Mubbarak Ho

Yangi Yil Bilan

Vietnamese :
Chuc Mung Tan Nien

Welsh :
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tips For First job

Beginning your first job search doesn't have to be a frustrating experience. Students are often intimidated by the thought of the first job hunt after graduation but that process can be easier than they think if they remember the basic job search rules by John Petrik.

1. Get out into the real world.
An internship or part-time co-op job tells employers that you have already experienced a real-world work environment and know what to expect.

2. Communicate well with others.
No matter what career path you choose to follow — from nurse to computer programmer —you have to have solid written and oral communication skills to get a job.

3. Network, network, network.
Most grads land jobs through people they know — not by answering newspaper ads. So, make a list of your own contacts, such as professors, family and friends, and add to it by attending career fairs and other professional associations and activities.

4. Be computer literate.
It's the information age —you need to be able to demonstrate solid computer literacy that's relevant to your field.

5. Put your best resume for ward.
A resume should be a concise, error-free, reader friendly, one-page document that can be easily scanned.

6. Research.
Take the time to learn about the company you are targeting by visiting its Web site or researching the company at the library.

7. Use examples.
Using specific examples from school or internships to answer questions about your experiences paints a clearer picture of your strengths and skills for the employer.

8. Smile!
It's hard to smile when you're on the hot seat—but a smile during an interview shows enthusiasm for the position and the company. Potential employers might interpret a non-smiling face as a lack of interest.

9. Show your thanks.
A thank you note following a phone or face-to-face interview reinforces your interest in the position and the company.

These can be useful tips for the freshers....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Font Mania

At one point of time I was crazy about different type of fonts. I have a collection of more than 10,000 fonts of different style and feel. So today I decided to scribble something about fonts.

What are fonts ?
A complete set of characters of a given size and design.
A font is the software that describes the letterforms and symbols in a typeface.

Without them you would not be able to read this post.

Before the digital age, fonts were made from lead, each character being a separate piece.
Today fonts are software. They can be loaded onto our computer as part of operating systems such as Microsoft, Windows, in software applications such as Adobe Illustrator, or licensed from type designers and font publishers, called foundries. We use fonts everyday - recognize Arial or Times New Roman

Why are there so many typefaces?
Different typefaces are designed for different uses - such as headlines, body text or very small Classified ads. Typefaces are designed to give choice, identity and flexibility in the design of documents and publications. Today, there are thousands to choose from.

You could say that a typeface is a fashion item - think how mundane life would be if every item that we read looked the same. Different typefaces afford individuality and create identity and recognition. When choosing a font of a new typeface, an appropriate license needs to be acquired to use it.

How are fonts licensed?
Fonts are owned by font publishers, called foundries, or independent typeface designers. Most foundries license fonts for use on a set number of workstations and printers. For example, Microsoft’s standard Software Use Agreement licenses a single font for use on a single Workstation.

Collections of fonts can be purchased more competitively as libraries. Licensing standards of each foundry may vary on the number of workstations and printers.

The general rule is not to allow the distribution of fonts beyond the set number of workstations without an additional license.

What is font embedding?
Font embedding is the ability to include font data within a document or Web site providing control over the appearance of text that the reader sees. This is vital if you are forwarding a document to a reader that does not have the font installed on their own computer. If the recipient does not have the font they will not be able to view your document as you intended.

Also, whatever software you use to create a document; maintaining formatting when sharing files with users on different computers is difficult.

For document creators and Web designers embedding fonts ensures that end users see their document or Web site in the desired font, ensuring consistency with a design theme or a corporate brand. Embedding most fonts into documents or Web sites to allow editing by an unlicensed user requires an additional license.
Some font licenses such as the basic Agfa Monotype font software EULA allow the user to embed fonts into documents to preview and print only. However, some EULAs do not - so check your license terms carefully.

Also, embedding fonts into any documents sold commercially, such as eBooks, eMagazines, eReports, etc. usually requires an additional license.

Are some fonts already licensed?
When you pay for your software application license for products such as Microsoft Windows, you license the fonts included within that application for the number of users you have licensed that application for.

Software publishers license fonts from foundries and pass on the royalty to the foundries from your license fee.

This does not give you the right to transfer fonts from that application to unlicensed users or to use those fonts outside the terms of the software license you have.

For information specific to Microsoft applications please see:

Monday, December 11, 2006

Benefits Of Link Building

1. Anchor text
Anchor text is the text that falls within a hyperlink leading to another page. The Anchor Text of Incoming Links plays a major role in your website's ranking in the search engine result pages. Anchor text is very important from ranking point of view as your most important keywords are used in the links pointing to your website which help in gaining rankings in Search Engine Result Pages . For wider keyword coverage, you can work with different link text options. It is important to have a number of combinations of anchor texts and associated link texts, so that the linking does not have a fixed pattern that the search engines can detect. This has become even more significant due to recent Algorithm updates of major Search Engines. If you have more number of quality links pointing to your website, the keywords within your anchor text would benefit your website's ranking greatly for those particular keywords. The web page of your site that the link is pointing to should also be optimized for that keyword(s) in order to properly influence rankings.

2. PageRank
PageRank is Google's measure of importance assigned to a web page on a scale of 1 to 10 . By undertaking a long-term link building campaign , you can boost your website's PageRank and improve your website's ranking significantly. Most other major search engines have adopted this logic in their own algorithms in some form or the other, varying the importance they assign to this value in ranking websites in their search engine result pages. Search Engines consider your website more important if more links point to your website.

3. Direct Traffic
Link Popularity Building also benefits you by way of getting direct traffic to your website. Incoming links from other websites would surely pay high dividends, as users are likely to click on that link and visit your website, thus bringing you direct traffic. The links placed on relevant pages would enhance the amount of relevant traffic to your website. A well planned Linking Popularity Building Campaign can also help you target your potential customer market and thus increasing the amount of valuable traffic to your site and thus even help improve your sales to some extent.

4. Deep Indexing
Another important benefit of link popularity building is that a webpage embedded deep in your website too stands good chance of being indexed by the search engines. An external link leading to a page embedded deep in your site would help that webpage get indexed by the search engines, which would have otherwise taken a very long time (upto 3 to 4 months)
While indexing a page, search engines would also index the links leading from that page even if they are embedded very deep in your site structure. Search engines while indexing that particular page would also learn about the other links within your website and move on to index other pages too..

5. Indexing Dynamic Pages
Many of the Search Engines used to find it difficult to index the dynamic pages. With links pointing to dynamic pages the search engines would index those dynamic pages too. Optimizing dynamic pages is little tricky, but you can have your dynamic pages rank well for various keywords with the help of Link Popularity Building techniques. A perfect match of Only Incoming Links and keywords in the Anchor Text can do wonders to boost the organic ranking of the dynamic pages in your site.

6. Wider Search Engine Coverage
Link Popularity Building gives your website wider search engine coverage. In many Search engines you might have not submitted your website, but in due course of time, the search engines will identify and pick up links to your website from other websites they recognize and index your site.

This includes some important paid search engines (such as MSN, Askjeeves) that you may not have submitted your website to them. All search engines do not list your website for free, but would pick a link to your website from other websites they recognize, and eventually list your website in their result pages.

7. Leading Competition
Link Popularity Building would also mean that your website stays ahead of your competition for your targeted keywords. More the number of Only Incoming Links pointing to your web pages, higher it gets ranked in the search engine results pages . Using your targeted keyword phrases in the links text would ensure a good ranking for your targeted keywords in the SERP's .

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Importance Of Deep Linking in Search Engine Optimization

If you are an experienced webmaster then you probably know that creating back links to your website is one of the best things that you can do to improve your Search Engine Ranking Placement (SERP). Google openly discusses the importance that their algorithms place on back links and even recommend that webmasters who want to increase their traffic use back links. Both Yahoo! and MSN are starting to talk openly about the importance of back links in their search algorithms as well.

There are a number of strategies that you can use to create back links to your website. Some of these strategies include emailing webmasters and asking them to place a link to your website, submitting your site to directories, distributing free reprint articles, and paying for links. All of these have their pros and cons, and some have a better success ratio than others.

How Many Back Links Does Your Website Have?

Take a look at your website and see just how many back links you actually do have. Do this not for only one search engine, but for all search engines where you are trying to get good SERP results. To check your back links, simply type into the particular search engine's box link: . Of course you will replace the yourdomainurl with the name of your own domain.

The more back links that you have to your website, the better off you are. Not only do back links help your SERP, but also the visitors of pages where your back link is listed may just choose to visit your site.

A common mistake that new webmasters make is that they create back links, but they have all of these links pointing to their home page. It is great that you have 50 back links pointing to your home page, but take a look at other pages on your site. How many links are pointing to these pages? The answer is probably zero unless you have utilized deep linking in your link building campaigns.

What Are Deep Links?

Deep links are links that go to specific pages within your website. For example, let's say that you have a home improvement website that has a large number of pages and articles on it telling people how to do projects. If all of your back links are pointing only to your home page and you have none pointing to specific article pages, then you are not getting the full benefit of your linking activities.

Think about it this way, if I go to your website and find a piece of information that I find particularly helpful or interesting and I want to tell other people about it, how will I do it? When I tell all my friends on my blog about this great page of yours, am I going to link to your home page? No, I am going to copy and paste the actual webpage address out of my browser, into my blog. That is deep linking and what is considered to be natural linking by the search engines.

What Are Natural Links?

Natural links are those links that are created by people other than the website's marketing team. Suppose I posted a link in my own blog that said that the "most easily understood tutorial, I have read, for improving web site conversions" was: , and I put my quoted text into the link. That is a natural link, because I created the link with no prompting from the management at

Difficulties In Creating Deep Links

There are a few problems that you will run into when trying to create deep links to your site. One problem is that if you ask a Webmaster of another site to link to you, they will most likely just link to your home page. When you submit to directories, the vast majority of them will only allow you a link to your home page, not a deep link. Even if they do allow you to submit a deep link, they will not allow you to submit 10 deep links.

Success Tips For Creating Deep Links

Deep linking is quite a bit easier when utilizing free reprint articles as a part of your link building campaign. This is because you can put whatever link you want to put in the "About The Author" box. The About The Author box is required to stay intact in all websites that are using your article. If you intend on writing a large number of articles to promote your domain, then you will want to optimize your results by putting a different deep link into the About the Author box for each of the articles that you write.

Another method of doing this is free and easy, but requires a bit of time. Take keywords in each page of the text on your website and make a hyperlink on that word or phrase to another page on your site. This is very easily done if you know how to do basic HTML. The ultimate goal here is to have every page of your website linked to, at least once, by another page on your site. You will want to spread these out among your domain's web pages, instead of having just a couple of pages linking to the other 50 pages.

Another reason to spread your links across all of the pages of your domain is that users are likely to be turned off by a page that is almost all hyperlinks; those pages often appear spammy or cluttered. A good idea for any Webmaster is to create these internal deep links when you create a new page. It is much easier to spend a couple of minutes from the beginning, rather than trying to go back and do all of them at a later date.

Incorporate Deep Linking Into Your Linking Strategies

Deep linking is as important a consideration as back linking! It does not matter which page visitors use to enter our websites. If they like what they read on our internal pages, they are more likely to view other pages on our websites. If they view other pages on our website, they are likely to find our homepage, and we will get a chance to tell them why they should buy our products or services.

Deep links to our website help to ensure that the search engines will have good cause to show our internal web pages as well as our homepage. For every page in our website that gets great SERP, our chances of getting a sale are increased significantly.

If you have 15 pages on our website, eight of which provide real content to your prospective clients. All eight of these pages have a significant number of back links pointing to them. 48% of your visitors land on your home page. 37% of your visitors land on your internal pages. As a result, 85% of your traffic lands on your website as a result of your back links, either directly or through your natural search placement in the search engines. The remaining 15% arrive on your website through bookmarks, personal referrals, paid listings, etc. Its worth it

Deep linking works. Give it a shot.

Source :- Links And Traffic

Tit For Tat

A soldier stationed in Afghanistan recently received a letter from his girlfriend back home. It read as follows.

Dear Ricky
I can no longer continue our relationship. The distance between us is just too great. I must admit that I have cheated on you twice, since you've been gone, and it's not fair to either of us. I'm sorry.Please return the picture of me that I sent to you.
Love, Becky.

The soldier, with hurt feelings, asked his fellow soldiers for any snapshots they could spare of their girlfriends, sisters or ex-girlfriends.In addition to the picture of Becky, Ricky included all the other pictures of the pretty gals he had collected from his buddies. There were 57 photos in that envelope. Along with thisnote.

Dear Becky
I'm so sorry, but I can't quite remember who the hell you are. Please take your picture from the pile, and send the rest back to me.
Take Care, Ricky

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How To Survive A Heart Attack ...

Let's say it's 6.15p m and you're going home (alone ofcourse), after an unusually hard day on the job.You're really tired, upset and frustrated.

Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in yourchest that starts to adiate out into your arm and upinto your jaw. You are only about five miles from thehospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don'tknow if you'll be able to make it that far. You havebeen trained in CPR, but the guy that taught thecourse did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.

Since many people are alone when they suffer a heartattack, without help,the person whose heart is beatingimproperly and who begins to feel faint, has onlyabout 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However,these victims can help themselves by coughingrepeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath shouldbe taken before each cough, and the cough must be deepand prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every twoseconds without let-up until help arrives, or untilthe heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughingmovements squeeze the heart and keep the bloodcirculating. The squeezing pressure on the heart alsohelps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heartattack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as manyother people as possible about this. It could savetheir lives!!

A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this tips and inform it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save atleast one life.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Amazing technology

Amazing technology from Japan . . . . but can you guess what it is?!

Look closely and guess what they could be...

Are they pens with cameras?

Any wild guesses? No clue yet?
Ladies and gentlemen... congratulations!
You've just looked into the future... yep that's right!

You've just seen something that will replace your PC in the near future.

Here is how it works:

In the revolution of miniature computers, scientists have made great developments with bluetooth technology...

This is the forthcoming computers you can carry within your pockets .

This "pen sort of instrument" produces both the monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces from where you can carry out functions you would normally do on your desktop computer.

Can anyone say, "Good-bye laptops!"

Friday, November 24, 2006

Sayari by a IT Professional

Jo Muddat se hota aaya hai.
woh repeat kar doonga...
Tu naa mili to apni zindagi
ctrl+alt+delete kar doonga...

Shayad mere pyar ko
taste karna bhool gaye...
Dil sey aisa cut kiya
ke paste karna bhool gaye...

Laakhon honge nigaah mein
kabhi mujhe bhi pick karo...
Mere pyaar ke icon pe
kabhi to double-click karo...

Roz subha hum karte hain
pyar se unhe good morning...
Woh aise ghoor ke dekte hain
jaise 0 errors aur 5 warning...

Kal jab mile thhe
to dil mein hua ek sound.
Aur aaj mile to kehte hain
your file not found!

Aisa bhi nahin hai ke
I don't like your face.
Par dil ke storage mein
no more disk space.

Ghar se jab tum nikale
pehen ke reshmi gown.
Jaane kitne dilon ka
ho gaya server down.

Jabse meri zindagi mein,
aayi hai ik female.
Bhool gaya hai sab kuchh
kya mailbox, kya e-mail.

Dil se ek ishq ki
application create kar raha hoon.
Pyaar se debug karna
mein wait kar raha hoon.

Tumhaare intezaar mein
neend aayee so gaya.
Yeh dekho mera connection
time out ho gaya..

Nazar mein to kai hain
aur shaayad lonely hain...
Problem yehi hai ki voh
ab read only hain


Hi !This is Anirban. My full name is Anirban Das, but my friends call me Anir.
This is my first post in my official blog. I was thinking to start my own blog but never got time for it.Now the D day has come and atlast I am writing my first post.
I will tell you someting about me.I am from Delhi, India. I am basically from west bengal. There is a very interesting part of my life. I was born in bihar, brought up and studied in Orissa, my home town is in asansol, W.B and presently working in Delhi. So as you see I have a diversified background.
I am a proffesional in internet marketing presently working for a US based travel firm. Internet marketing is my passion and I really like to be into that.
The things I am crazy about is music, movies, food and wines.

This blog is for my interests and stuffs I enjoy.You will find really diversified stuffs on this blog.Enjoy reading...

You can also visit my web technology website Xenitex.Com for info on web technology.